Jenna Reimonenq

Film Director


Creative Director

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Know Me

I picked up the camera somewhere in jr. high and haven’t put it down since. I’ve been told my personal film style is “moody” and, I think I agree. I tend to like a gritty shot over a “pretty” one. I tend to think that negative space and imperfection is also telling us something about the character or story if not more than the actor or product can sometimes.

When I shoot, whether with brands or on narrative projects, it’s important to me that creative perspectives are validated, even if not used. I truly see my work as a collaborative effort rather than myself as the ring leader.

I’m gracefully honest about my feelings toward a piece and I love taking creative risks, and I appreciate when the people I work with can be honest in return. I love people who have creative passion, these relationships have been the most fruitful in my experience.

Film visuals

Brand/product visuals

Let me tell your story

In images that make an emotional impact

my services

Film Direction

Let me help you get the most out of your production through a collaborative creative approach.

Creative Brand Direction

Whether you already have an established brand or you need help with bringing a visual element to a new idea, I can organize a visual plan and execute with precision.

Writing Direction

As a film writer of 14 years, I have created and critiqued several works of art. Let me provide coverage of your script, or give feedback that will build you to be a stronger more granular writer. I also have availability to curate original work if the project suits.

Credits (so far)

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Film Work