
Character Snap™

A Solution for casting and talent!

We think there’s a problem

There’s often a disconnect between what the actor has available in their reel and what the casting director has the capacity to see in a short amount of time.

But we have a solution

Character Snaps™ serve as our simple yet effective solution to a common gap in audition tapes that both actors and casting directors have long felt. These brief 15-30 second clips swiftly and efficiently address the essential needs of both parties: providing a clear glimpse of the character and showcasing the actor's ability to portray them effectively.



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Session details & Booking

Prices starting at $499 for 3 snaps & 3 headshots

Session Includes:

  • 3 custom lines curated based on actor’s needs
  • 3 high quality CharacterSnap™ videos
  • 3 high quality character headshots

* additional snaps and/or travel available by request only. Will result in price adjustment.

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