Gold Lalurel Award Icon.

2X best actor

award winner

Gold Lalurel Award Icon.

int’l film festival

best actor 2x nominee

Private Acting Coaching

with Jael Pettigrew

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There isn’t a one-size-fit’s-all approach to playing a scene effectively.

Your craft is a refined tool, not a gimmick.

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Ultra Thin Lined Circle

Dear Actors,

Often, the reason we might not secure a TV/film job is the lack of a solid understanding of how our interpretation and representation of a role align with our "type." Our focus on fitting the character's image in our mind rather than organically building and embodying it can make our work less convincing.

Allow me a moment to highlight my achievements. I'm an award-winning actor with prestigious training from SUNY Purchase's Professional Actors Training Program. Beyond acting, I also contribute to the industry as a photographer and casting director. While I don't claim to know everything, I've acquired invaluable skills and thought processes that bring comfort on stage and in the audition room, inspiring a unique approach to acting.

My expertise, gained over a combined 15 years of performance, intensive craftwork abroad, diverse training experiences, and insights from master actors and teachers, is a comprehensive toolbox for actors. I believe in teaching not just scene-specific gimmicks but providing a foundation for sustained growth. What good is excelling in one scene if you can't replicate it or understand the process in another? I aim to guide you in cultivating your own garden of skills tailored to your acting goals.

My coaching offers an opportunity for both seasoned and non-seasoned actors to delve deeper. Emphasizing authenticity over gimmicks, humility over ego, trust over hesitation, and play over rigidity, I am confident in helping you achieve your acting objectives.

Is private coaching right for me?

  • My private coaching is a conservatory style, in-person session, designed to deepen the experience of acting for both self and audience. Unlike an acting class, which often focuses on audition technique--an essential skill to learn!--private coaching emphasizes learning the craft of acting as it pertains uniquely to you. Think of it like this: There are workshops, and there are masterclasses. Depending on where you are in your career, both can be beneficial. We will focus on sharpening you to mastery of your craft.

  • Our sessions will cover the interpretation of the script, the writer’s intended goal, and a plethora of other fundamental and advanced skills for connecting with the material. This forms one half of the picture. The other half involves guiding you to bring your own bold and meaningful creative perspective to your work, developing your confidence in your acting style.

  • While we may work on material that requires a scene partner (an important aspect of acting, that will be covered) coaching sessions will generally be held between coach and student. This means more vulnerability, and tougher (but gracious) critique at times and undivided attention to your work.

  • We will cultivate a tailored, “you-specific” relationship focused on your career development, (if you desire it). This means I am available to assist you with career growth within reasonable limits. Consider my services as akin to the difference between an agent and a manager, offering valuable guidance and support that extends beyond our sessions.

Session options &Pricing

As Needed (1V1)

As Needed (2V1)

Monthly Coaching (four 1V1 sessions)

Monthly Coaching (four 2V1 sessions)

On Set Coaching

$125.00/per hr

$200.00/per hr


$700.00/ monthly

Starting $200.00/ per hr

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A session refers to a 1hr block of time **

5 stars icon, 5 yellow stars
5 stars icon, 5 yellow stars
5 stars icon, 5 yellow stars
5 stars icon, 5 yellow stars
5 stars icon, 5 yellow stars

“He made me feel like I was seeing my acting with brand new eyes. I high recommend Jael for optimizing growth as an actor.”

K. Meksavanh

“Jael gives actors great creative direction and allows room for organic play. He reminded me of the small nuances that really make the character’s relationship come to life.”

A. Tacher

“Jael’s on-set coaching was phenomenal. He has a talent for posing questions that inspire curiosity, instead of giving line reads. He is time effective, generous in his offerings, and not disruptive to the progression of the set.”

C. Lissant

“Hs tone invites you as an actor to try something new in order to find your best. He’s someone in your corner.”

N. Stoner

“...His approach works. I think his mind is geared toward understanding human nature and how to portray it authentically.

P. Nicole

Let’s talk about it

You should be sure you’re making the right decisions for your career. Schedule a free consultation with me below to get started moving toward mastery of your craft!

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